Our Investment Approach: Disciplined. Unemotional. Proven.
Our algorithm is driven by data. Some refer to it as “evidence-based investing”, where the scientific method is applied to portfolio management. We prefer to rely on evidence in the form of rigorous academic research performed over long periods of time instead of relying on hope or emotions to make investment decisions. We believe that this approach reduces uncertainty in decision-making and gives us the best chance to generate successful long-term growth.
Check out our recommended articles to learn more.
“The Bull Giveth, The Bear Taketh, & You’re Not Passive” – Lance Roberts
“The Fed, Interest Rates and Stock Prices: Fighting the Fear Factor” – Aswath Damodaran
“Momentum in Financial Markets: Why Newton Was Wrong” – The Economist
Research Papers
“Re-thinking Asset Allocation – The Role of Risk Factor Diversification” – Bradley A. Jones (UBS)
“Re-thinking Portfolio Construction and Risk Management – A Third Generation in Asset Allocation” – Bradley A. Jones (UBS)
“The Role of Asset Allocation in Portfolio Management” – Scott L. Lummer
“Diversification: Often Discussed, but Frequently Misunderstood” – Welton investment Management